About the School
A heaven where learning is fun. We being the Best Play Schools in Hyderabad motivate our children to be independent, courageous, thinkers, innovators, and lifelong learners. Our task is to educate the child whole being so they can face the future. We facilitate them with manifold opportunities as they move towards achieving excellence.
Preeti Goel:
"I do not attend the school I belong to it"
Facilitate for the future is something I strongly believe in and educate by.
Facilities at our center:
- Day starter activities designed to enhance Recall and Logical skills and Gross Motor Activities to develop them physically.
The sand Play, Doll House play, and pretend play develop their bonds with their peers and creative thinking. - Observe and understand the cause-effect relationships through the Ball Drop activity and the water flow activity.
- Students come close to nature and become environmentally aware by participating in gardening and cleaning activities.

- The classroom curriculum starts with morning corner activities consisting of MANIPULATIVE, PRE READING/ WRITING / MATH, FREEPLAY corners to hone their fine motor skills. The day continues with concept discussions enriching their minds and promoting lower order thinking to higher-order thinking
- We create Solution seekers as we further enrich the learning through Special Days conducted as per the themes -where the children recall & recap along with the parents what they’ve learned during theme discussions.
- Field trips to various places are planned to give children the opportunity to become environmentally aware of their surroundings.
- Weekly Yoga Sessions for Junior KG and Senior KG children happen on a regular basis. Yoga helps them to build their balance, flexibility, strength, improve their coordination, and develop their ability to relax.
- Weekly Dance classes for our Junior and Senior KG students encourage them to release their inhibitions and builds confidence. It is also a fun way to release their energy and excitement.
Curriculum Implementation
Implementation of our curriculum is the most crucial function of each and every Kangaroo Kids institution, Best Play Schools in Hyderabad. To understand how we put into practice our curriculum in the classroom, do take a look at these examples:
A child's emblematic day in Preschool Year 1
Creating MultipleIntelligence
An example of how Multiple Intelligence is developed for the theme Transport.
How the learning from latest brain research influences preschool curriculum and environment
Brain fact | How it influences our preschool curricula and environment |
Each child’s brain and learning experience is unique. | Please see the section on Multiple Intelligences. |
The brain uses patterns to organize information. | Please see the section on Theme-based Learning. |
The brain is designed to benefit from good teaching and experiences. | At KKEL Preschools, we provide a rich stimulating environment that helps the brain make connections.
Physically: Child-friendly colors (not over bright, jarring ones), textures, children’s displays, teaching architecture, a variety of spaces, teaching aids, active/passive learning, personalized spaces, etc. Emotionally: Providing care and security by bonding with children and taking care of their needs. |
The brain needs to be properly hydrated to be alert. | We allow children to drink water whenever they ask for it. |
Small muscle exercise stimulates brain growth. | We provide finger play activities every day, besides water play activities that exercise the small muscles, such as using eyedroppers and sponges to transfer water. We conduct clapping and dancing activities for creative movements, like ‘Open, Shut Them’ and ‘If You are Happy and You Know It’. |
Cross lateral movements keep both sides of the brain working. | We conduct exercises that require cross-lateral movements, such as twisting at the waist with arms stretched to the side, bending at the waist to touch left hand to right toe, and right hand to left toe. Children sing songs like ‘Hot Cross Buns’ accompanied by hand movements that cross the midline of the body. We have danced to music with streamers and scarves. |
Novelty increases attention. | We rotate toys and equipment at the Activity Centers. Gymbo the Clown comes to class to introduce concepts. |
Reward or praise can affect learning! | We encourage teachers to use feedback instead of praise. For example, instead of saying “That’s a great painting”, the teacher says, “The brown and yellow colors you used for the trees help to give a wintry look to your painting.” Similarly, we use encouragement instead of praise. For example, “I can tell you have put a lot of effort into your drawing.” |
Linking activities with developmental milestones through the preschool years
Social/ Emotional | Has a sense of self | Children are given opportunities to be classroom monitors in preschool years 3 and 4. They are encouraged to make their classroom rules and consequences for the same. |
Responsibility for Self and Others | In the learning centers and outdoor play; children are encouraged to play well and share with others. They are taught to use thinking skills to resolve conflicts This is done through story time and circle time activities. |
Pro-social Behaviour | In the learning centers and outdoor play; children are encouraged to play well and share with others. They are taught to use thinking skills to resolve conflicts This is done through story time and circle time activities. |
Physical | Gross Motor Development | Through the PMP (Perceptual Motor Programme), children are encouraged to develop locomotor skills (running, jumping, hopping, galloping, throwing, kicking, catching) and other gross motor skills. Organized indoor and outdoor games are conducted. |
Fine Motor Development | Children are encouraged to use writing and drawing tools to develop eye-hand coordination and dexterity. Activities like paper crumpling, clay modeling, using scissors are also conducted. |
Cognitive | Learning and Problem Solving | Children explore cause and effect by conducting science experiments. Field trips and excursions are organized for experiential learning. |
Logical Thinking | Activities, where children classify, compare, measure, and arrange objects in series, are conducted. Children are introduced to the concept of time and activities that build awareness of position in space. |
Representation and Symbolic Thinking | Activities like role-plays, a dramatization of stories, and using puppets are conducted. | |
Language | Learning and Problem Solving | Activities like conversation time, picture talk, listening posts, and the early literacy programme are conducted. |
Reading and Writing | Pre-reading and pre-writing activities like finger tracing, crayon scribbling, writing paths. Identifying and naming letters and numerals. The Sight-Reading Programmes are conducted throughout all preschool years. |
Integrated theme-based learning
An example of how Integrated, theme-based learning in preschool is conducted for the ‘In and around water’ theme
A child’s emblematic day in Preschool Year 1
- Library
- Indoor Playroom – dollhouse, gym & music room
- Outdoor Jungle Gym
- Sand & Water Play Area
- Traffic Park
- Art & Craft Room
- AV Room
Daily Activities
Children choose from a variety of different activities available in the classroom: block building, puzzles, kitchen play, transport toys, sorting objects. They initiate their play, either alone or with other children. They learn how to work independently, take turns, share, and play cooperatively with others.

Sports Day
An annual sports day is held for all the children to participate in a variety of fun and interesting games that let them tap their skills and develop team spirit. Parents are welcome to attend.
Annual Concert
Every year, an annual concert is organized around a unique theme. Every child participates in these concerts. They are usually grand affairs with lots of music, color, and movement. These concerts are the highlight of the academic year and offer a platform for children to become comfortable with performing on stage.

Special Days
There are variations in the daily routine for class field trips related to special interests, such as a visit to a local restaurant to see how food is prepared, to a bank to learn about money, to the park to look at leaves, or to discover what lives under that rock. Special visitors like police officers, fire-fighters, or doctors are invited to speak to the children.